
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Das Energi

So I'm on here right? I decided to click the 'next blog' button to see what would pop up.THIS came up and all I could think was wow... look at that awful grammar. It's like there's no hope anymore I know few people who actually care how they spell. I get b____tched at all the time on facebook for correcting others it's like I'm sorry you're a total idiot I'm trying to help you so maybe if you ever get a job you won't look like the idiot you are on your reseme when you can't spell things right. People these days... I've corrected 2 honors english students on their you're / yours (not sure if I've mentioned that before but I'll do it again!). So sad... In other news I'm going to a rave this saturday. If you're not sure what a rave here's the definition: "Rave, rave dance, and rave party are parties that originated mostly from acid house parties, which featured fast-paced electronic music and light shows. At these parties people dance and socialize to dance music played by disc jockeys (dj's) and occasionally live performers. The genres of electronic dance music played include house, trance, psytrance, techno, dubstep, jungle, jungle techno, drum and bass, UK Hardcore, Hardcore techno, Happy hardcore, breakbeat, hardstyle and many others with the accompaniment of laser light shows, projected images, paint, glowsticks and smoke machines." So basically a gathering of people dancing and having a blast to techno music, like a concert but x290384 better in my opinion. Everyone is so happy there. Raves have bad reputations though, everyone thinks that nearly all the people there are on ecstacy or some type of drug. That's not even the case, yeah sure there are a few that do that stuff at raves but that happens everywhere. For all you know your neighbor could be rolling right now (doing ecstacy). I for one would never do these drugs but others enjoy experiencing the trip it gives and I don't have a problem with people who do. I'm really excited though and the date pretty coincidental since it's a day off exactly one year since I went to the last (and only) rave on May 27th.  It was the best day of my life hands down and I hope Das Energi is just as dope and tops last years.

Why not put it on here... it's an extra blog. (:

Formal analysis

It gets the mind working, thinking, and wondering. Ray Bradbury is an accomplished American Essayist, poet, novelist, short-story writer, screenwriter, and playwright who grew up in Illinois most of his life and is extremely talented in portraying his captivating and creative tales. His writing style is like none other, as most would agree. Some claim Ray is a science fiction writer; nevertheless, others bicker that he simply applies the far-out setting to castigate racism, nuclear war, censorship, technology, humanistic principles, and nuclear war. All of his work relates closely to his personal experiences, what he has gone through, and the life he lives to this day

First, his early existence in the state of Arizona and Illinois greatly influenced some of his first writings. This was around the time when he began experimenting with literature such as writing. Bradbury’s writing style is distinctly related to his experiences that he’s had in the past, Ray said that he acquired the knowledge to write by remembering past experiences. All the while this course of time, Bradbury starts to slowly but surely discover himself as a writer. "The things you're looking for, Montag, are in the world but the only way the average chap will ever see ninety-nine percent of them is in a book.”  p. 86

Ray Bradbury discovered his process for writing and own unique one-of-a-kind style. His major commissions represent the emotions going through most Americans minds during the period in time in which Bradbury wrote. The Martian Chronicles, for instance, is his first distinguished novel, known by plenty. The Martian Chronicles still remain one of his eminent novels, it is a fantastic exhibit of this since it depicts the readers feelings about 'atomic warfare' while World War II was taking place. "If you don't want a man unhappy politically, don't give him two sides of a question to worry him; give him one.  Better yet, give him none."  p. 61

Ray Bradbury's writing style should basically be considered it's own genre, I have yet to read a book that is anywhere near similar to that of a Bradbury book. It's quite enjoyable to have such a change in literature, he wasn't my favorite author but I'm sure that's not the case will thousands of others across America. A quote from 'the locusts'  , in my opinion, greatly shows the artistic flow and talent that this man has in his writing. "The rockets set the bony meadows afire, turned rock to lava, turned wood to charcoal, transmitted water to steam, made sand and silica into green glass which lay like shattered mirrors reflecting the invasion, all about. "The rockets came like drums, beating in the night. The rockets came like locusts, swarming and settling in blooms of rosy smoke. And from the rockets ran men with hammers in their hands to beat the strange world into a shape that was familiar to the eye, to bludgeon away all the strangeness, their mouths fringed with nails so they resembled steel-toothed carnivores, spitting them into their swift hands as they hammered up frame cottages and scuttled over roofs with shingles to blot out the eerie stars, and fit green shades to pull against the night. And when the carpenters had hurried on, the women came in with flowerpots and chintz and pans and set up a kitchen clamor to cover the silence that Mars made waiting outside the door and the shaded window." p. 78

In conclusion, Rad Bradbury is truly a remarkable writer. His work seems to be simply timeless, and will be in the minds of Americans for hopefully generations to come. One of the many criteria that makes him such an incredible writer is his intensely unique style of writing, it's basically unmatched. He's so descriptive and uses the strangest most lovely examples to truly set the eery mood for whatever he may be writing. He grew up and lived in Illinois most of his life and was a very successful American Essayist, poet, novelist, short-story writer, screenwriter, and playwright. Ray Bradbury's literature was all linked with experiences he has had throughout his lifetime which is part of the truly interesting writing style that this man has. It's nearly it's own genre.

Monday, May 21, 2012

The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury (1950)

Bradbury's Mars is a land of dreams, hope, crystal pillars, and fossil seas-where a finely grained dust settles on the wonderful, barren cities of a silently demolished civilization. Here, the earthlings invade and come to commercialize, despoil, to grow, and to learn. First a trickle of humans came, then a cascade, fleeing from their world with a seemingly non-existing future with a promise of tomorrow. The Earth people take over Mars ... and then are shortly conquered by it, becalmed by dangerous falsity of familiarity and comfort, enchanted by the loitering beauty of an extremely ancient, and mysterious native Martian race. Ray Bradbury's The Martian Chronicles is a classic work that is not questionable. However, it didn’t appeal to me all too much. Ray Bradbury’s imagination and literary skills are why he’s one of America’s favorite authors; he is a truly remarkable author whose work will remain undimmed by time’s passing.

This book is obviously from the 50’s because the theme/s of this novel has already been used in plentiful amounts of science fiction books. Since this book was also from a time with strong feminist and racist thoughts, it disturbed me to read these parts of the Martian Chronicles. The sequence of short stories was not appealing to me because they were all superb ideas and every one of the stories making up this book could have been an incredible book themselves. It’s kind of random and spazzy I think, to have such a variety in one novel.
In the late 20th century, rockets from earth began arriving on Mars. The Martians tried to defend themselves and their planet with their telepathic abilities, at one point they projected a false projection of a town inhabited by the absent relatives of one rocket’s crew, but they are gradually killed off by the exposure to chicken pox, their bodies have no way to protect this from happening. Earth-men start arriving on Mars and settling many communities. The reasons for these exploring men coming to Mars are different, but all view Mars as a planet that exists solely for their usage and purposes when they don’t even realize the culture and beauty that is the Martians and their planet.
Bradbury’s writing style is impressively unique. A majority authors are distant, unknown, and unimportant beings that are somehow or distantly connected to the story. Ray Bradbury, on the other hand, is very much present in all (or what I have read) of his literary work. After reading and analyzing what Mr. Bradbury has to say, you can visualize and understand him as a person. The many varying component that consist of Mr. Bradbury’s writing style. Only you can decide if it’s for you or not.
In conclusion, this series of short stories is about Earthmen traveling to the planet Mars, they soon discover about the Martians that live there. They play to use the planet for their own selfish human needs as if the planet belongs to them. The Martians tried defending their planet, culture, and over all population with their telepathic abilities. Mr. Bradbury’s writing style is a classic, one of America’s most beloved writers whose work and creativity will remain a favorite unchanged by time.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Furry Vengeance

The crack of the .308 cal AR-30 was loud enough to twitch my ears. I saw my target drop to the ground in cover, as the shell of my round clanked against the old hardwood floor. Time to change positions before I give away my location I thought to myself. I pulled out of the room I set up in, and dropped down a floor through a collapsed hole in the flooring. I set up again, covering myself as much as possible in the shadows of the abandoned apartment room. Looks like a lot of chaos in the streets, civilians are pointing in all directions at different windows. I looked around the streets through my scope, my target was gone… milk me.
I woke up the following morning, licked myself clean, coughed the occasional hairball. I put on my black suit, and grabbed my gun case. “Mr. Whiskers” they call me. I fought in the great Fur Wars of 1946, scored the most kills of my platoon. Sadly, I love killing, it became a hobby of mine… At first they were simple murders, mass murders, a serial killer if you prefer… It was so satisfying to see the headline of every news paper “Another 20 dogs murdered”. However, it was just too easy… I wanted a challenge in my life, to make it a specialized career. I met the strangest cat… He calls himself “Tron Cat”, and he’s the one that gave me the business in a Hitman career. Years have gone by though… The business has collapsed ever since Nyan Cat Industries took over. Its been hard, but I’ve learned from the best, and I became my own Killin’ Kitty.
I set back up in the abandoned apartments. This place is dreadful, I should have brought my ball of yarn. I looked out of my scope and adjusted my sights. “Where is he…” I thought to myself as I scanned the streets for my expected target. “Meow! What’s thi–” PEW. I instantly laid down. “What the furball!?” PEW, PEW, PEW. I rolled up into a ball, I saw the incoming fire this time… Lasers? There was a long silence… it was dead quiet. The second I got back on my sniper rifle, it hit me. It was the most painful thing I have ever experienced. A laser round went through the very end of my tail. I looked back at it to watch my fur singe off from the end of it, the heat of the blast closed up my wound quickly. Focusing back on the task at hand, I heard the weirdest sound… getting louder and louder… “nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan”, each “nyan” was followed by a laser round, and it made those sounds quickly. The entire apartment was being shot up, I fell down the collapsed hole, as lasers burned by my head on the way down. I landed and looked back up, the building was catching on fire, I had to get out, fast.
I dashed through the streets, which were for some unknown reasons were completely empty. I shortly realized I left my gear in the apartment, no chance of recovering it now… A storm of lasers were hailing down upon me, I didn’t lose speed, and I didn’t stop zig-zagging. So this is how it all ends, i’m going to die by the most annoying sounding, 8-bit cat the internet seems to love and adore. I miss Keyboard Cat… Why did he have to pass away? I feel something inside of me… Building up…
*COUGH* A hairball erupts out of the black cat onto a computer monitor. “MR. WHISKERS!” Rachel yelled, “Falling asleep on my computer is one thing, but coughing hairballs all over the monitor is another!” She cleaned up the mess and got on the computer. “What is this?” She looks into the internet history, its nothing but Nyan Cat, Sniper Rifles, and massive balls of yarn.

-675 words

I will start writing a poem and we'll see how this ends...

Hi my name is lexi and I really love apples.

I eat them every day, I'd even eat them on my waffles.

I tried that in foods once, it tasted pretty nasty,

but I bet I could find a way to make them tasty.

My friends always joke around about how I have apples every morning and every day after school,

I say it's because I'm just too cool.

Too cool for school that is,

Hi my name is lexi and I really love apples.

I would almost change my name to miss apple.

Wouldn't that be insane if there was an apple that was purple?

It would truly blow my mind, the thought is just plain crazy!

Now on a totally different subject,

Hi my name is lexi and I really like watermelon.

If all you ate was this melon, you'd probably look like a skeleton!

I reckon, all that watermelon I be eatin'

has got all my taste buds recedin'

I just eat it too dang much.

Then all of a sudden it was like a strange BANG, I realized maybe I liked cake more so than apples and watermelon!

Cake, what a wonderful creation.

Filling the empty stomachs of the fatties around our nation,

we will not ration the world would go crazy without cake.

Wake n bake it's just what I do,

I bake a cake everyday before I go to schoo'.

Chocolate cake, vanilla cake, swirly cake, strawberry, or even a confetti cake.

I'd eat it in a lake,

in a guy named blake,

on top of a  freight,

bouncing on eight trains,

I eat cake just about anywhere.

Heck, I'll even wear the dang dessert if you want me to.

Actually you know whats even better than cake, watermelon, and apples?


Brownies, far as the eye can see.

A truly breath taking land awaiting me,

Oh how free I would feel in such a beautiful place, filled with brownie goodness.

We would go together like pickles and ice cream, pizza and Americans, dirt and plants, teddy bears and a new born child!

This poem is getting pretty lame,

maybe then I'll see the fame,

I have about as much poetic talent as Rebecca Black,

maybe I'll just go back to doing my homework as good children do.

Actually, I think I'll stay a bit longer, you know why?

This is my homework, or some of it.

I spy with my little eye about 80 words to go.

You haters can't match my flow! (hehe)


cat hat flat mat scat flap frappe latte clone scone brown clown crown gown bow flow slow fro yo cool school tool duel fruit scoot boogey orangey catastrophe loop boop goop coup coop rope mope vote mote wont

Back to the poem session, children!
Well I am just about to bid you adieu,
But the lid on this creative mind is just about to explode,
I'm not in one of those motivated moods,
oh how can I be so crude?

-505 words

I don't completely approve of the new blogger.

Hello Stranger. Goodbye Stranger. What? Your curiosity wont leave? Well then, the names Alexis. But you can call me Lexi. I love the color purple & I love to draw pretty much anything especially, and I'm really good at it. August 20th is the day i get to say I've lived another year! (my birthday) My favorite animal is a moose. I hate mint gum. I really REALLY love Powerade, it's my thing ya dig? I enjoy pretty much all the seasons but winter is my favorite lately. I enjoy not having to care what I look like and just put on a hoodie. I love it when its warm and raining! Thunder and lightning don't scare me, I've noticed that with a large amount of teenagers that is not the case for some peculiar reason.I thoroughly enjoy my friends and their company but in the long run I trust no one. The sad thing is, my family taught me I can never trust anyone. I learned that the hard way. I wanna sky dive and scuba dive before I pass. I have a kitten named Izzy. I am agnostic (I believe in a higher power but not 'god' because I believe there is a severe lack of proof to support the religions theory that such a power can exist). I am what you would call a super Grammar Police. I find it extremely irritating when I don't agree with ones musical tastes and they freak out on me for not enjoying their musical style. I am extremely independent, more so than most people at my age should have to be. I feel like I must impress EVERYONE I meet.I listen to: Dubstep, hardstyle, heavy metal, old school music of all kinds. I respect others if they respect me back, respect is immediate with most people. I'm far from a judgmental person, I have experienced enough to have had my thoughts changed about being such a 'butt' in lighter terms to others. If I hear someone is talking about me I will confront them because I think people who talk to others only on facebook and not in real life are one of the many falls of this present generation. You can often find me on facebook correcting the idiots that are consisting of my friends list.I have absolutely no idea what I want to be when I grow older, all I know is that I want to go to college to get more money throughout my lifetime. I'm rather splendid at designing and creating blogs with coding/etc so maybe that will be a future career choice of mine. The universe sparks my interests, the unknowns, the areas non-military peoples, I want to explore all of these things. Eminem is my Idol, I would do anything to meet him one day. He has been there and understands my problems deeper than I thought a complete stranger could. You can not tell me what to do and what not to do, I do as a please.

-508 words

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

I like to poke holes in the top of my water bottle cap so I can drink it in a peculiar way. (april.1)

Nice title right? I thought you'd think that. It's just a lot funner, and it makes it seem like the water is never ending! This blog, and possibly the next blog, are going to be summaries of movies I have seen recently. First off, let's start with the movie I saw today. Side note: You'll notice that a majority of the movies on here are old, I have quite the collection of VHS's at my house. I love old things, not saying they're that old but they're old enough to where I'd want them. Back to the point, I finished 'Better Off Dead' this afternoon. This was quite the incredible movie, I must admit. On my top 20 favorite movies, that's for sure. It was about this guy Lane Myer who really enjoyed to ski. The beginning of the show shows him trying out for the ski team at his high school, he would have made it if this Jock-butt face would've pressed the time down when Lane really did cross the finish line. He was '2 seconds off' when he really made it down the mountain just in time. One of the first things you learn about Lane, however, is his obsessive love for his girlfriend Beth Truss. He has these freaky neighbors, the mother is kind of milfy (kind of like a cougar if you for some reason don't know the definition of this it's a 40+ year old woman who prowls for younger men and attempts to look younger but completely fails.) but the son is just the chubbiest nerdiest kid you could possible think of. I thought this was going to be a waste of time, just a dumb movie from the eighties. I was wrong, this is a fantastic movie! As you continue watching a new, french foreign exchange student moves into the family he lives across from (the chubby family). They say she can't speak a single word of english, but about a little past half way through the movie we come to find that she only did that because "it's better to not talk at all, in a family such as theirs." (or something close to that) He was completely devastated when Beth broke up with him, she was his world, he attempted suicide many times. They were silly attempts because he'd realize shortly after he tried to kill himself that it's a bit dramatic and maybe he should reconsider what he's going to do to himself. Beth left Lane for the ski captain in the ski high school group. I believe she realizes her mistake later on in the movie with realizing how big of a jerk the guy is to everyone, especially Lane but the movie never verifies if that is true or not. Lane and the french foreign exchange student start to hang out a lot (especially after he finds out she speaks English) fall in love, just like all the viewers of this movie thought would happen. She's a very pretty girl, if you haven't seen this movie and would like to see how pretty she is her real name is Diane Franklin. Such a beautiful 80's woman!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

late post, merp.

I keep forgetting to get on here, sorry! I don't know why but blogger doesn't work at Jim's house (my dad). I call them by their names, just so you know. One of the most irritating things in the whole world to me is when I correct people and they say 'we're not in English class'. What they just told me is that they're absolute dumb-butt's when they leave that class. I don't see why it is SO difficult for them to realize that proper grammar and spelling should be used even after you leave the classroom. What happens when they graduate high school, eh? No more english class, does that mean that our future generation is going to be even MORE stupid? If only I had a time machine, I'd go back to the good ol' 60's. When metal wasn't scrawny emo kids screaming god knows what into a microphone, wearing all black, skinny as heck, etc. When metal was with guys that had amazing hair, all the ladies, muscles, and true talent. I think you of all people wouldn't definitaly agree with this statement, if you've seen the new 'metal' bands they have now days. I've just about lost track of how many times I have complained about this generation, but I just can't stop. It's just too horrid for me to stop talking about, I swear if it ever gets any worse I'm going to get all the top scientists in the world and a group of asians to build me a back to the future car. That would be sweet. Back to the future is one of my favorite movies. My brain is temporarily not working, MERP. So you've seen me use merp before, yes? Yes. I will tell you what 'merp' means. It is just kind of like 'eh'. Example: "Want to go out for dinner?" "eh" but in my case, I would say  "merp". It's rather fun to say, actually. On another subject not so similar to this one, I really wish I would've taken computer tech this year. Now, I have to take it in high school in which I've heard is much harder. Good thing I type like my life depends on it, my family sometimes thinks I just run my whole arms across the keyboard when in reality I'm typing. This is really just one big pointless blog, sorry you have to read this. I'm going to get to 499 words simply to make a blog that just says merp.(: I'm pretty scared to go into highschool, I'm not sure if you saw my post on the forum but I am simply horrified of the thought of leaving this school. There are so many things that make me not like this school but I know every place and in high school it's like fairfield times a million, I feel like a little sevie again. Some kid tried spell correcting me yesterday on my own spell correcting status, funny because I made him look stupid because nothing was wrong with my post to begin with! Teenagers and their smart-butt personalities, got to love 'em. (Sarcasm to the maximum) The whole 499 word thing didn't end up working out for me, oh well.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

late late blog. :( Black death.

"The Black Death"

"The single worst phenomenon in the history of the world." The black death affected many countries around the world with devastating results and agonizing deaths. The Christian and Islamic religions gave people a chance to redeem themselves or fail in the eyes of their lord. The Islamic and Christian responses were different because of their varying religious beliefs. There were many factors that caused this tragic event. Muslims thought this plague was a 'divine act of god' (Doc.4); Christians thought it was to replenish their good by being killed out for their born sins. The Jewish people were blamed for this plague and killed in great numbers.
The first reports of this epidemic were heard about in china; little did they know this horrid plague would pay them a visit. Following the same trade routes to the Middle East, North Africa, and Europe the Black Death found it's way to them. Symptoms of the Black Death include: Bubo's, spitting blood, tumors, etc. (Doc.3). Certain symptoms came from specific diseases which were the main components of what made the Black Death. There were strange reports of other factors contributing to the horror of the Black death such as impure air, warm ovens, sin, 'evil moisture's', abundance of shooting stars, etc. (Doc.5)
The plague made people turn to their religion. Some saw this occurrence to be a blessing to them from God. Others, however, saw this act as a punishment for the sins they are instantly born with. Both the Muslims and the Christians were simply looking to God to help them get through this epidemic. No help to the English priests', that is. They scammed the people out of their money claiming they would free the people of all their sin for the right price. As you can tell the priests lived an overly comfortable lifestyle. The English behaved in a evil and wicked manner, others went into the temple of their religious state of being and prayed.
Fourteenth century healers were at a loss of words to explain what was happening. To attempt and explain this phenomenon they Europeans turned to earthquakes, astrological forces, and the poising of wells by the Jewish people. Since people back in those times were unknowing of virus's and infection, the exchanging of diseases was little understood back in the fourteenth century. Many portrayed only God's ager could create such guesome displays. Jewish communities suffered many attacks during the reign of this killer disease. The Jewish communities of Cologne and Mainz were esterminated in August 1349. February on that same year, the people of Strasbourd brutally killed about 2,000 Jewish people.
In conclusion, The Black Death was the most brutal population killing spree there ever was in recorded history. It spread throughout many countries following their trade routes. The Muslims and Christians were the two main religious groups involved in this plague besides the Jews. They turned to their religion to help understand why this was happening to them, if it was a 'gift' from god or a trial to get rid of the sins they were born with. Some religions acted out in violence and rage, others fasted in their temple of choice and prayed (Doc.9) Virus's and disease carrying rats were unknowingly causing such a devastating event in history, not the Jews.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Mayans and 'The end of the world.'

I don't understand why but when I'm at my dads house on his computer blogger doesn't work. I again apologize for this late post. If you haven't noticed I have recently began to put how many words the submissions to my article have. Thanks to the following website (Here!). It's on my "Labels" On the bottom of the blog. I thought it would help you out, and if you don't believe me you can check it yourself (: . Lately on facebook I have been seeing posts about the mayans and their soon predicted dooms day. They claim the mayans made the calender before leap year was invented, if there was no leap year we would be in July of 2013. So with them not accounting for the leap year, the world should have ended 7 months ago. I find this incredibly interesting so I decided to go further into this and not just take people's word for it. I have watched many History Channel clips about the end of the world predictions from the Mayan people, but I have never heard them bring up anything about leap year (or atleast as I can remember).  "Scenarios suggested for the end of the world include the arrival of the next solar maximum, or Earth's collision with a black hole or passing asteroid, or with a planet called 'Nibiru'." It seems insane how accurate the 5,125 year old calender is. Mayanist scholars have said that predictions of state that predictions of approaching doom are not found in any of the classic Maya accounts. The Long Count calender ends on 2012, but people misinterperate it as the end of the world ; It misrepresents Maya culture and history. I think if you took it into a scientific matter and seriously thought about it it seems rather implausable. How could an entire world just end in 48 hours? In my opinion I think it would take a gradual amount of the time of the world wearing down to it's utter most weakest point, then dying. But the world, though in danger now, doesn't appear to be sick enough to die within a couple months. Our Ozone is fading but it is not gone, our water is polluting but there is still fresh water, the forests are dying but there are nature preserves. It just doesn't seem possible. Also, on the Mayan Calender (as I saw on a documentary) that the Mayan Calender resets 4 times, we are on the 4th calender. The reasoning behind it is the gods created three failed world but a successful fourth world thus is why humanity has flourished.  The world did not simply end 3 times and build itself back up in a matter of 5,000 or so years, we would have no record of the past. Some people think our universe would be completely obliterated in December 2012 "when the Great Cycle of the Long Count reaches completion." In my opinion the end of world is merely a recently made thought, no where in any document does it say it was a day of doom. It might be a day of celebration, for all we know. "something unknown happened to shake the Maya civilization to its foundations. One by one, the Classic cities in the southern lowlands were abandoned, and by A.D. 900, Maya civilization in that region had collapsed. The reason for this mysterious decline is unknown, though scholars have developed several competing theories." Since a majority of the Mayans were wiped out mysteriously, they might not have been able to completely finish their calender. Rather strange how a once thriving population can mysteriously with no record decline at such a rapid pace. Scholars believe the most reasonable explanation could have been an intese drought, causing lack of crops and water could have been a very plausable way to kill out a population such as the Mayans.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Israeli & Palestinian conflict.

          The Israeli & Palestinian conflict is the continuous issue between Israelis and Palestinians that started in the early 20th century. The remaining key issues are: mutual recognition, borders, security, water rights, control of Jerusalem, and legalities concerning refugees. This conflict has had severe violence problems throughout the crisis. It has resulted in international actions, also other human and security rights issues. They are attempting to solve their seemingly never-ending conflict by throwing a two-state solution in and seeing if the people will agree. As a result of this tourism in the regions the violence has stopped tourists from coming to such a historically rich land. Several attempts have been attempted to have a two-state solution put into action. This would have an independent Palestinian state and an independent Jewish state. According to many polls taken the both groups of people prefer the two-state solution to any other solution to solve the conflict. Present status of the conflict will be said.
            Within Palestinian and Israeli society, the fight creates an extensive variety of opinions and views throughout the people. This intensifies the separation which exists not only between Palestinians and Israelis, but also inside each society. A symbol of the warfare has been the ‘level of violence witnessed’ for basically its complete duration. Rioting has been operated by paramilitary groups, terror cells, armies, and individuals. Deaths haven’t been confined to the military. Many fatalities have occurred on both sides of the dispute. The two parties appointed in direct bargaining are the Israeli government, currently led and (PLO) the Palestine Liberation Organization.
Additionally, a considerably large portion of the Jewish people see the Palestinians' request for an independent state a fair offer, and believes Israel can come to terms to the creation of such a state. A majority of Israelis and Palestinians see the Gaza Strip and West Bank as an agreeable place of the assumed Palestinian state in a two-state solution. Still, there are meaningful areas in which are still disagreed over for their shape. They have yet to decide a size that they will agree on, also observing the level of believability they see in the other going through with their commitments.  
Present day status of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is that the peace process has been declared on a "two-state solution" so far. Questions and problems, however, have been brought up to both sides to end the warfare. Israel has had its conclusion grow and tactics in the territories of the Palestinians are crudely ridiculed by the European Union quoting it as an increasingly weaken the spirit of the two-state solution. In December 2011, the complete regional groupings on the UN Security Council persisted settlement creation and settler violence (both to acts of violence committed by a restricted number of Israeli settlers against Palestinians) as disorderly to the renewal of discussion, a call contemplated by Russia as a "Historical Step".
            In conclusion, the Israeli & Palestinian conflict is one for the books. Causing violence against many, death, and dispute for quite sometime. Attempting to make a peaceful end to the seemingly never ending fight a suggestion was brought to the Israeli and Palestinian’s attention. That suggestion was to make a Jewish state and a Palestinian state. That is still being fought over for boundary purposes. Violence spread throughout the places decreasing tourism and causing even more tension between the two groups than ever before. The present day Israeli & Palestinian conflict is gradually getting less violent and destructive. They are trying to work out a two-state plan that will have everyone satisfied. Until that happens however, they are still at war.


Monday, February 27, 2012

Judgement of Paris. Greek Mythology.

What would you do if the 3 most beautiful women in all of Greek mythology would do anything for you just to give them a trophy saying they’re the fairest? Zeus didn’t want this burden knowing that he would get in trouble from whoever he didn’t award the prize to, so he gave it to Paris. Paris is the son of Priam, the kind of Troy. Paris is portrayed as an unskilled and cowardly being. Where did the trophy come from? Who won the contest of the fairest and how? What does this have to do with the Trojan War?

          On Mount Olympus one day in Greek Mythology, there was a celebration held for the marriage of Peleus and Thetis. Zeus hosted a banquet to honor the newly wedded couple in hopes of a long loving marriage. Every deity and demi-god was invited. All except one that is, Eris (the goddess of strife) was not invited. No one wanted a hellion at the wedding. When she received word that everyone except her had been invited she wanted revenge. She threw a golden ‘Apple of Discord’ into the party. On this apple there was an engraved Greek phrase “For the fairest”. They went to Zeus to ask who he thought deserved the Apple of Discord; he wanted no part in this dispute.

          Zeus assigned Paris the task off deciding who was the fairest of the three goddesses. Paris gladly accepted this request, knowing they will be as seductive to him as they can to win the apple. The three goddesses are Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite because they were thought to be the most beautiful. There were certain things he had the goddesses do to make them appealing to him, such as appear before him naked. Still, Paris could not decide, they were all equally beautiful. Since he could not make such a decision they had no other choice but to bribe him for the award. Athena offered skill in battle, wisdom and the abilities of the greatest warriors; Hera offered ownership of all of Europe and Asia, Aphrodite offered the love of the most beautiful woman on Earth, Helen of Sparta. Paris chose Aphrodite, and also Helen.

          Aphrodite however, forgot to mention a rather critical fact to Paris about him having the love of Helen. Helen was already married to King Menelaus of Sparta. In order to get his prized Helen he had to raid Menelaus’s home to take Helen away from the king of Sparta. Some stories indicate, however, she fell totally in love with Paris and left Menelaus willingly. So began the Greeks’ journey to escort Helen back home, away from Paris. This is the mythological foundation of the Trojan War’s beginning. All of Greece moved against Troy with fury and hatred. The Trojan War had begun.

          In conclusion, Zeus was presented with a challenge of presenting the most beautiful goddess of Greek Mythology an apple with an engraved phrase ‘For the fairest”. Three incredibly stunning goddess’s claimed the apple for their own, when they asked Zeus who should get the apple he denied to answer that knowing if he picked one the other two would hate him. He assigned Paris the judge of this beauty contest. He could not come to a conclusion resulting in the goddess’s bribing him. He took Aphrodite’s bribe for the love of Helen the most beautiful woman on Earth. Helen was married, her husband Menelaus was furious with this. The Greeks went to battle with Troy, thus starting the Trojan War.  

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


A tattoo is one of many forms of ‘body modification’. Tattoos are made by inserting ink into Dermis layer of skin to change the pigment. The first mentioning of a tattoo was in HMS Endeavor in 1769: "I shall now mention the way they mark themselves indelibly, each of them is so marked by their humor or disposition". The art of tattooing has been practiced for hundreds of years, in many varying cultures. Since the 1990s, tattoos have become a mainstream part of and fashion, common among both sexes, and to age groups from the later teen years to middle age. Tattoo fans may refer to tattoos as "Ink", "Tats", "Art", "Pieces", or "Work". Tattooing has been a Eurasian practice at least since around Neolithic (10200 BCE) times. Tattoo’s can be used for many different things, here are some examples.
Permanent cosmetics, loving symbols, culture, identification (like in the nazi camps), religious perspectives, rebelliousness, etc.

A bit about Bob Marley.

His name isn’t actually Bob Marley, its Robert Nesta "Bob" Marley. Robert Marley was born on 6 February 1945 and died 11 May 1981. Robert remains the most known reggae singer / performer of reggae music. He is credited with spreading Rastafarian and reggae music throughout the world. He was born in Nine Mile, Saint Ann, Jamaica. His father (Norval Sinclair Marley) was of white descent and his mother (Cedella Booker) was an afro-Jamaican (citizens of Jamaica whose ancestry lies in the continent of Africa) they married when Cedella was only 18 years old, Norval was about 60. Norval died at age 70 when Robert was only 10 of a heart attack. He left school at age 14 to make music with Joe Higgs, a local singer and devout Rastafari. ‘In 1962, Marley recorded his first two singles, "Judge Not" and "One Cup of Coffee", with local music producer Leslie Kong’. In Robert married Rita Anderson in1966, they moved close to where his mother lived in Wilmington, Delaware in the US for a short amount of time.

Clusters, the survivers of a 13-billion-year-old massacre.

‘The new work, led by Dr Diederik Kruijssen of the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics in Garching, Germany, appears in a paper in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.’ Our Milk Way Galaxy is enclosed in about 200 condensed groups of stars. These clusters can hold up to a million stars each. Believed to be as old as the universe it’s self, these are the last survivors’ of a 13-billion-year-old massacre. They were born when the first generations of galaxies and stars formed. A team of astronomers from Germany and the Netherlands have started computer-simulations that show how these stars were born. They find these clusters are the survivors of a 13-year-old massacre which abolished many of their younger cluster siblings. When galaxies clash, they often create incredible bursts of star formations (also called ‘starbursts’) and a ton of young, bright, and incredible stellar clusters varying in size.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Growing up -late-

A personal reflection on how much I've grown up since last year.
Alright so when I was in 7th and 8th grade I was the most immature poser who probably ever lived. I judged everyone and didn't care if what I said hurt people's feelings, I talked a bunch of crap over facebook, I had tons of drama, and things of that nature. I used to get in cat fights with girls all the time. I developed a good characteristic about myself last year though, I've learned to handle my own and deal with my problems one on one in real life. I know this is something you should already know but you would be surprised how many people ( my friends, they're pretty aggressive.) Get all their friends to gang up on someone to go beat them up or something. It's like all you guys are freaking pansy's you should be able to handle your own situation by yourself. This generation I swear to god... Any ways back to me judging others, I'd randomly walk past girls and just start gagging, laughing, etc. I look back on that now and I can't even understand why, I think it's because I've had something traumatic happen to me in the past 6 months and I get really deep into thought sometimes. I'd walk down the hallways and think ' None of these people know what I'm going through, they probably just think I lead a normal life.' which is basically the complete opposite of what I was living for roughly 6 or so months. I gained more respect for my school mates, I don't know them, they don't know me, I can't judge them unless I've lived a life time in their shoes. No one lives a normal life, everyone is struggling with something constantly and now since I've grown up and matured dramatically I am strongly against judging others. 

I apologize about the late post! "BODY LANGUAGE"

          When we’re really close to someone or even simply strangers on the street you can typically tell someone’s mood by looking at their body language or facial expression. For example when a woman crosses her arms you typically get into more of a defensive mood because in most cases that movement can’t be good. "Up to 80% of what we communicate is nonverbal," says Joe Navarro, a former FBI agent. That means every gesture, look, mouth twitch, eyebrow raise; even the way we stand sends a message to whoever you’re talking to. We relate to people in three ways: verbally (with words), vocally (tone of voice), and visually (body language). This isn’t always true however, someone could be putting a smile on their face when they’re really having huge problems in their life but just are too good at revealing it to others. In my personal opinion I think that your tone of voice has the most impact on how you perceive yourself in other people’s eyes. If you use a kind tone with me I’m going to do the same to you, if you are snooty and have an attitude with me I’ll happily return the favor. "Behavior patterns associated with temperament or personality are at least 50% genetically determined, and are difficult to change," explains Dr. Mehrabian. It’s proven that when you sit or stand at a slight angle to a person it makes them feel more comfterable around you, but don’t stand too close. Scientists say we have 4-8 seconds to make a good first impression, it’s also good to make eye contact but not to stare.

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Rave, rave dance, and rave party are parties that originated mostly from acid house parties, which featured fast-paced electronic music and light shows’ Techno / Dubstep are played at these exciting and social events. People who participate in Raving trade bracelets as a sign of peace, love, unity, and respect towards another called ‘kandi’ or ‘kandii’. The beginning of rave parties occurred in 1950s in London. By 1991, organizations such as Fantazia, Universe, Raindance, and Amnesia House were holding massive legal raves in fields and warehouses around the country. There are also rave dances, they are called ‘shuffling’ (movement of your legs which make you look like you’re gliding on the ground) which you typically do to a music that is called ‘hardstyle’, ‘tecktonik’ (tricks with your arms) which has its own tecktonik music, Jumpstyle (jumping dance) which also has it’s own jumpstyle music. There is one another rave tradition which involves a pair of gloves with lights on the end of them, some ravers can get very good at this and create psychedelic images with the lights to ‘trip out’ the viewers of this spectacular show.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Isolated Peru tribe makes uncomfortable contact [summary on article I read]

The Mashco-Piro (The tribe’s name) People hare an isolated tribe that lives in the Amazon, they are a truly puzzling tribe to scientists. They predict that they’re strange behavior is caused from the low flying air craft or pollutants in the Amazon’s water. They act like our ancestors did, there is 2 reports of these people killing people with hand crafted arrows that were in their property. Men who took pictures and slightly documented these previously un-contacted Indians were soon shot and killed, one with severe injuries and the other had been fatally shot. The area they are on is slowly becoming less and less isolated. The wood and oil industries have made their business dangerously close to the wild tribe. The clan that showed up at the river is believed to number about 60, including some 25 adults. The situation is very delicate and scientists / environmental specialists are trying very hard to not upset these indigenous people because they are fully aware of the consequences if they do so. It’s nearly impossible to contact them because the only person who could contact with them 'Shaco' is now dead.

Bound By Tradition (A summary about an article I read.)

            I’m sure we all are somewhat knowing of how the Chinese used to think the tinier your feet are the more beautiful you were. This is going to tell you a little bit more about that. The shoes that squish these ladies feet are called ‘Lotus Shoes’ It has been practiced in parts of China for thousands of years, it is called foot binding. However, the process of producing lotus feet was gruesome, problematic, and often led to lifelong problems. The full history on how this all got started was not documented properly, but the earliest known records we have of the practice date back to the ‘Southern Tang dynasty’ around 937 AD. The girls would typically have their feet put into this process when they were older than 2 and younger than 5. This trend becomes popular amongst high-class Chinese families. The binders broke several bones in order to make this shrinkage possible and hear many screams during their career. Once the feet reached their target petiteness of 7.5 centimeters (about 3 inches), the unsightly bindings were adorned with embroidered silk slippers. Once these ladies had their lotus feet they were highly sought after from many rich and well respected Chinese men.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Just a bunch of crazy nonsense.

You ABSOLUTELY should not be able to pass high school without knowing the difference between your / you're or their / there / they're and words that sound the same but are slightly varied with different uses. I mean come on seriously? On facebook I have to constantly correct people ( most of which must I say are in high school ) on such simple things that I think we learned in what, 4th grade? All I can really do whenever I correct these kids is shake my head. A majority of time when I do so they get mad at me, they'll wish they listened to my grammatical advice in knowing how to spell things like that when they're filling out a job application or something important and don't get anywhere in life. Harsh? I don't think so, how old are we? Old enough to know the difference between your & you're. Whenever people comment on my pictures and say 'your pretty' it makes me shiver, it's like.. my WHAT is pretty. It's a possessive word you retards. That's about as far as I can drag that subject, I've probably brought that up a few times but you know what? That is probably one of my biggest pet peeves besides when people start singing in public ( when you're not at a concert / musical performance / try out / whatever ). When people just start singing their hearts out in for example, the hallway. It's just like Shut the heck up the last thing I want to hear is you on this lovely morning. I basically spend my weekends watching the History Channel, now. I feel like such a loser, I used to go out and do crazy rebellious teenager things in 8th grade. My social life now has shrived up to little to none of what it used to be, I blame this on me being so focused with school & family stress. Speaking of family... I am so happy right now, I'm staying at my moms apartment this week NO MORE JIM (Unfortunately my father...)! I'm going to hopefully get a gym pass tomorrow, they're pretty expensive but they're on a sale right now. Going to hopefully help my self esteem, it could really use a boost. I won't lie, I think these 500 word blogs are actually starting to get rather difficult, I'm running out of topics and things to write about. It's getting late and I should probably get off soon which is why I don't feel like reading an article to inspire me on things to write about. I suppose I will discuss my love for vintage / antique things. It doesn't matter what they are, knowing they are apart of history or relics of items only made in that time period fill me with awe. I have a barbie ballet box from 1966, it's pink. I looked it up on Google, Ebay, Etsy, and a few more sites but there was no other box in pink. They came in white, black, blue, and red. I'm guessing the pink one I own is incredibly incredibly rare. It gives me great pride in owning it, I will never sell it.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Well... Today was rather irregular.

I helped my mom move into her new apartment because my parent's are newly separated. I can tell it's going to be a rather sad next couple of weeks due to these sudden changes in our lives but things have to get better sometime. The furniture moving was rather difficult, as it should be, considering she lives on the top floor. This apartment complex has a pool, a clubhouse (complete with the biggest flat screen TV I have ever seen in my life), a gym, etc. I'm really excited to finally be able to have a pool to go to. Aspen and I are going to hit that gym up like every day this summer to get ready for being in High school. Life is changing rather fast these days, I can only hope it's for the better. So, you read about my kitten Izzy in one of my previous blogs, correct? Well, we put one cat with Jim and one with my mom. Izzy, of course had to go to my mom, so we had to move her along with our furniture. I just got done moving this cat into her new home about 20 minutes ago, she was pretty good after the initial shock of being outside ( considering she hasn't been outside since she was a few weeks old ) for the first time in a while. I'm pretty proud of her she did really good, the scary part is that she's a pretty squirmy cat. We don't want to loose her so my grip as I got out of the car was on her like white on rice. She was so cute when we were in the car, I think she likes me a little more now because she knows she can trust me, I was calming her down and kissing her forehead the whole ride here. She's not to fond of Jim and my sister Rachel because of their cruel playful attitudes / annoying high pitched voices, so she was much happier with only my mom and I in the car. It's going to take sometime for her to adapt to this new environment, but I think she'll do pretty good. When we first put her on the ground of our new apartment she started meowing, it basically broke my heart. All she knows is my other house and I doubt she'll ever see it again, I just hope she's happier here knowing she wont have to see Jim anymore. But her best friend / foe Simon I'm sure will miss her, as she will miss him. The thought of them not seeing each other anymore, being forced out of each others life's makes me incredibly sad. I'm excited to start this new part of my life. One of the only things occupying my mind are my soon to be permit, super Nintendo game system, and loads of money from my soon to be summer job.  What am I going to do with my extensive amounts of cash, you ask? Clothes, nerdy things, and food.

I was wondering why there isn't a discussion board topic for this week, it's supposed to be up but I'm not seeing one?

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

It's slowly becoming harder and harder to find things to write about on this...

I think we all have a secret nerdy pleasure... right? Mine would have to be the fact that whenever I see something on this history channel ( that isn't any of their new ridiculous non-history things like alligator hunting or something to do with swamps or logs... ) I have to watch it! I love learning new things through the videos, it's always so interesting to learn about what's beyond this state, this country, this earth. I was just watching a documentary on how stars explode, the aftermath when it does happen, which types the stars are, how you can depict how bright they are by examining the star, etc. Things like that are just so interesting! When I tell some people that I do enjoy the history channel usually the response is " You're such a nerd, Lexi. " And I have come to realize that I am a nerd. But not only am I nerd, I have nerd pride! I spend my weekends watching Starwars and History Channel. I HAVE NO SHAME! If you asked me if I would rather have $100 to go to clothes or video games I would choose video games in a heart beat. Yeah, I'm not like most girls.
Note: I am extremely excited for when I get a job at lagoon this summer because I will hopefully have 3-4 old school game systems by the end of this year.
That is leading to a change of subject... starting... meow.
I'm growing up pretty fast, it's pretty awesome but I'm also very nervous to go into High School. I'm just going to attempt and do next year what I did this year, stay out of ridiculous high school drama. I'm not sure if this is possible because all my friends in high school say that there's always stuff going down. Whether that be fights, gossip, and all that other really unnecessary bull that teenagers love to start. I'm much more mature than a majority of my friends, I'm pretty proud of myself this year. Haven't been in the office once! Last year I was such a trouble maker you wouldn't believe it. Last year I also lived a care free life, and now that I have to worry about my grades constantly I have way too much stress. I barely know how to manage it because in the past few years I haven't cared about my grades in the slightest bit. I'm beating the odds of how good I thought I'd do though, I haven't got good grades since I was in like 5th grade. This last term I got nothing below a B grade. I've been considering graduating early or getting all my credits some what early in case I don't want to attend the last year of high school and want to travel,start looking for apartments somewhere, or enroll in a college. I won't have to think about this too much now, but I'm guessing when it does it will hit me like a brick.
So many decisions, so little time.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Cellphones radio waves.

This phone, the LG Marquee includes many radioactive organisms to keep the screen so bright. It will slowly start to deteriorate your brain within usage varying a few weeks - 4 months, tops. This is a very dangerous phone that is hazardous and quiet frankly and unfit phone for the man whom has common knowledge. You have to believe me! The evidence is 100% proven you will have cancer if you buy this phone! I know what I'm doing I'm an advertiser whom has looked into this phone and it's history very much. How would you feel for this oh about $100 phone to have months and months of painful recovery?! Not being able to see your friends and family every day eating bland hospital food and laying in one position for days! This phone is not worth thousands of dollars for surgery or even death! Imagine how much excruciating pain you will go through in the coarse of time you have had this phone for not even a year! Is it worth it? Of course not. My way is the only way, it is the only logical thought. If you think different you are completely out of your mind crazy. I mean what I think is always right you should always listen too me because you'll always have a right answer. I don't want a 'maybe' or a 'this could possibly be a logical solution' no! What I say & My evidence clearly says goes and that is final.

Evidence supporting the statement that in fact cancer does cause cancer over gradual use.
  • "It takes at least 10-20 years to see exposure to cancer."
  • The American Journal of Epidemiology published data from Israel finding a 50% higher risk of cancer of the parotid, a salivary gland near the ear amongst frequent cellphone users.
  • "Cell phones emit radio frequency energy (radio waves), a form of non-ionizing radiation. Tissues nearest to where the phone is held can absorb this energy."
  • "The number of cell phone users has increased rapidly. As of 2010, there were more than 303 million subscribers to cell phone service in the United States, according to the Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association. This is a nearly threefold increase from the 110 million users in 2000. Globally, the number of cell phone subscriptions is estimated by the International Telecommunications Union to be 5 billion."
  • "Over time, the number of cell phone calls per day, the length of each call, and the amount of time people use cell phones have increased. Cell phone technology has also undergone substantial changes."
Even if it is just over time however many years it is proven that cellphones during frequent use or even just the radiation waves alone cause cancer! A series of different cancers as a matter of fact. Most young people in this generation will be exposed to such radiation throughout their whole life's possibly making cancer a much higher rate than it is today. Our technology is advancing everyday and maybe the newer technology will make this radiation disappear, others could increase the amounts of radiation. Your kids or your friends for example, you know at the utmost least 1 person that owns a phone or an ipad, things of that nature. They will be exposed to that all of their life's just simply by texting or calling etc. How would you cope with it if your best friend or someone in which you care dearly about got cancer because of their phone? It's not worth it. They're not that important to risk our lives upon them! You would be crushed, we need to cut down on how much we use cellphones even make some sort of rehab for how bad certain people / teenagers are with their phones. Now I know you love your phone and I respect that you have your own opinion but I hope what I've told you has given you a bit of a change in your thoughts if you though differently before reading this. Perhaps just cut down on the talking and texting for a while? This could help you prevent cancer of any sort reaching you or your loved ones, take this into consideration, think about it. You could save some lifes'.

You want to accept the truth? Well then, you came to the right place. Over the span of 10-30 years [roughly] you can develop a series of varying cancers. The radiation is weak but after continuous use it will eventually start to get too your brain. It will affect you especially if you have a developing brain like that of a child or a teenager. The scary truth is that teens probably use phones more than the CEO of many companies. It's hurting our brains and our education, kids text during class leaving out important lessons in life they may need in the future. Cellphones are good for many reasons but our country needs to seriously cut back on how often we use them, it could save your life.
  • Cellphone companies say the technology poses no known risks and requires no precautions.
Notice how they use the key words 'say' meaning their opinion and 'no known' why would they look into something that could affect their company? They don't care if it gives you cancer as long as their making a profit and money. It requires no precautions they say but that's because they don't want you to know because then you wont buy their cellphones.
  • Between 2001 and 2007 Hardell found "a consistent pattern of association" between certain brain tumors and long-term cell phone use.
You want evidence? There it is. Scientists have proven it, tumors! Cellphones are not worth such costly, painful damage too your body. This is solid evidence my fellow students. You can't deny what has been studied I'm sure multiple times. I'm sure you probably are saying too yourself ' oh this can't be real I've been using cellphones for as long as I can remember and I don't have cancer! ' You may not now, but it's basically going to happen either way if you use it a lot. We all have our perspectives I just think this is a bit more logical and more fact based than the whole ' phones don't cause cancer ' nonsense.
  • The amount of time the person is on the phone
  • The model of phone being used: different phones give off different amounts of energy
  • Whether or not the person is using a hands-free device
  • The distance and path to the nearest cell phone tower: being farther away from the tower requires more energy to get a good signal, as does being inside a building
  • The amount of cell phone traffic in the area at the time
Are all key factors in how severely or how much they're exposed to the phones radiation waves. Even the tiniest thing such as types of phone models can vary in the cancer you can get! It's the tiniest things that can get you into the biggest trouble. "Because cell phones are held near the head when in use, the main concern has been over whether they might cause or contribute to tumors in this area, including:
  • Malignant (cancerous) brain tumors such as gliomas
  • Non-cancerous tumors of the brain such as meningiomas
  • Non-cancerous tumors of the nerve connecting the brain to the ear (acoustic neuromas)
  • Non-cancerous tumors of the salivary glands
If you choose to accept my facts and knowledge to be the correct answer I believe that the conclusion to many years of exposure to the radiation waves from phones will make cancer a much higher risk amongst basically everyone. It will get more and more and more people every year with how much we're around such technology in which constantly radiates radiation waves from itself.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy (late) New Year!!

I hope this year is better than last year, hooray for 2012!!(:  I will be starting (actual) Highschool this year. Pretty frickin' excited.

A personal reflection on the courage of Atticus Finch and how brave he is to do a trial in such a racist town.

He was licked before he began. Courage is doing what you think is right even when the odds of succeeding are against you. "I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It's when you know you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what. You rarely win, but sometimes you do." spoken by the character Atticus. Jem and scouts father is well aware of his family's disapproval towards his Tom Robinson case but he believes in doing what he think is right despite the lack of support.

 Scouts Cousin Francis, whom is just as prejudice as his grandmother, tells scout that her father is a nigger defending disgrace to the family. Scout is not quite sure what this means but she knows it isn’t respectful. Aunt Alexandria is visiting them and like the rest of the town is racist and is hinting towards Atticus that he should fire Calpurnia and quit his case. Atticus is a very brave and strong individual for putting up with everyone’s gossip and hatred and to stand up for what he believes in, for if he didn’t he would never be able to face his children again. He is truly the meaning of the word Courage. It would be very difficult and tough to have your children hear all this about you and get so upset about it when all you can really do it just sit and wait for the trial to end, so they can be tortured no further.

 Atticus has to hear about what people say about him through his children, they report back to him as soon as they hear it. For example, When they were taking care of Mrs.Dubose she said a great deal of hatred towards Atticus but would never say it to his face, only his children. Almost all of Maycomb except the black community is trying to talk him out of pursuing the case but Atticus simply won’t. He loves everyone and everything and thinks everyone deserves a chance, whether they are white, black, or every color in-between. As Scout once said"I think there's just one kind of folks. Folks." does a little girl have more common sense than a majority of the world at this time? "So it took an eight-year-old child to bring them to their senses.... That proves something - that a gang of wild animals can be stopped, simply because they're still human. Hmp, maybe we need a police force of children." The animals being racists, and the eight-year-old being Scout.

 Atticus is defending a black man in a rape case, it’s difficult to find any support but his children are seemingly the only thing that is getting him through all this. Aunt Alexandria is completely unhappy with Atticus’s decision to defend a man, because of course if he is black he is a bad person. You just can’t win with a subject like this in the depression, but Atticus’s determination and courage shows throughout this story. He doesn't care what people think of him, only what he thinks of himself. If he believes what he is doing is right, then he will stick to it no matter what the towns people say. He is a man of his word and sticks things out to the end so he can set an example for the best things in his life, Jem and Scout. "The one place where a man ought to get a square deal is in a courtroom, be he any color of the rainbow, but people have a way of carrying their resentments right into a jury box. As you grow older, you'll see white men cheat black men every day of your life, but let me tell you something and don't you forget it - whenever a white man does that to a black man, no matter who he is, how rich he is, or how fine a family he comes from, that white man is trash." ~spoken by the character Atticus.

 This case will change the way Maycomb will see Atticus and his family. Whether that be good or bad Atticus is proud of what he has done. In an area filled with racism and criticism towards differences in skin / personality this case shines beyond, having Atticus show them what fools they are for being so one-sided and unwilling to be accepting that what Tom Robinson is saying is the honest truth, for he is black. The readers of this book must all agree that we hope Atticus changed the towns perspective a little towards black people or people with differences. Atticus would not stop until justice was served, but served correctly. A man should never be discriminated against for the skin color in which he was born with. Whether Negro or white we all look the same beneath our skin, most of Maycomb doesn't understand this. Their childish ways and the ways they've grown up. All their life they have been told that black people are bad people, scary people, do not go near them they will hurt you. Atticus shed a little light on this and let them know that in most cases that is not true. There was still hope to win the trial if he got good enough evidence.

 Fully convinced that he was going too loose the trial, Atticus still persevere to prove this Negro man innocent in a racist town. Scout and her brother Jem have to put up with the towns gossip and nonsense almost every day, it truly takes a toll on them after a while. Scout being so defensive and loving towards her dad gets in many fights, fighting for her father's dignity. Just about everyone in the town of Maycomb except Scout and Jem is unimpressed with Atticus's efforts to try tod defend a black man. They know their dad is a good man for what he is doing and that he will fight for this mans freedom no matter how much trouble it gets him into. Atticus loves everyone, whether they are white, black, or every color in-between.