
Monday, May 7, 2012

I don't completely approve of the new blogger.

Hello Stranger. Goodbye Stranger. What? Your curiosity wont leave? Well then, the names Alexis. But you can call me Lexi. I love the color purple & I love to draw pretty much anything especially, and I'm really good at it. August 20th is the day i get to say I've lived another year! (my birthday) My favorite animal is a moose. I hate mint gum. I really REALLY love Powerade, it's my thing ya dig? I enjoy pretty much all the seasons but winter is my favorite lately. I enjoy not having to care what I look like and just put on a hoodie. I love it when its warm and raining! Thunder and lightning don't scare me, I've noticed that with a large amount of teenagers that is not the case for some peculiar reason.I thoroughly enjoy my friends and their company but in the long run I trust no one. The sad thing is, my family taught me I can never trust anyone. I learned that the hard way. I wanna sky dive and scuba dive before I pass. I have a kitten named Izzy. I am agnostic (I believe in a higher power but not 'god' because I believe there is a severe lack of proof to support the religions theory that such a power can exist). I am what you would call a super Grammar Police. I find it extremely irritating when I don't agree with ones musical tastes and they freak out on me for not enjoying their musical style. I am extremely independent, more so than most people at my age should have to be. I feel like I must impress EVERYONE I meet.I listen to: Dubstep, hardstyle, heavy metal, old school music of all kinds. I respect others if they respect me back, respect is immediate with most people. I'm far from a judgmental person, I have experienced enough to have had my thoughts changed about being such a 'butt' in lighter terms to others. If I hear someone is talking about me I will confront them because I think people who talk to others only on facebook and not in real life are one of the many falls of this present generation. You can often find me on facebook correcting the idiots that are consisting of my friends list.I have absolutely no idea what I want to be when I grow older, all I know is that I want to go to college to get more money throughout my lifetime. I'm rather splendid at designing and creating blogs with coding/etc so maybe that will be a future career choice of mine. The universe sparks my interests, the unknowns, the areas non-military peoples, I want to explore all of these things. Eminem is my Idol, I would do anything to meet him one day. He has been there and understands my problems deeper than I thought a complete stranger could. You can not tell me what to do and what not to do, I do as a please.

-508 words

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