
Friday, October 28, 2011

Derp nerdy stuff Derp

The two stormtroopers' met at the death star. They all had their lightsabers customly orded from Jabba's-list  in varying colors, such as red, green, and white. They were all recently on sale at the Tosche Station  as Luke Skywalker has mentioned in the famouse quote "But I was going into Tosche Station to pick up some power converters!" It's too early to start fighting, storm trooper 985 said to himself.  "You're getting too unaware of your surroundings" Darth Vader said to his pupil. "I'll prove too you that I am no such thing! You'll see!" Darth Vader sighed and let the young man go on with whatever he may have been doing before-hand. "I wonder if Luke skywalkers family treats him like this..." The now discouraged boy said to himself. Just as he whispered that to himself R2D2 and C3PO Came busting in the door, Ready for action! The trooper jumped into action as the enemy has now crossed the line, he was going to destroy the two robots and make His teacher proud! Many clashes of lightsabers and grunts later they were all in pretty bad condition, Hon Solo came rushing in. "Great." The storm trooper said "Can't fight your own battles?" Hon looked extremely heated after he said that, he slowly backed away. "Take it away, R2" The storm trooper destroyed them. "What are you trying to prove?! How could you do such a thing?!" Solo screamed at the top of his lungs with whatever energy he had left from defeating some of the other storm troopers, in which OB1 and Luke were still facing but soon coming to R2D2 & C3PO's rescue. Lets go over and see how that's doing, shall we?All the troopers' in that area of the death star could not take on such power that OB1 had! You could hear the battle from many hallways around the star, *chink chink tintin-k chink tink- chink chink- tink-k* The sounds were beautiful! Luke and OB1 had so much adrenaline you could just see it in their determined eyes, this was not going to be the last battle they will ever fight. These men are stronger than I thought they would be, Darth Vader whispered to himself. "However, they are no match for me, though OB1 was my master I have grown much stronger as he has grown weaker. This, will be the last fight that he will fight, he will know my power!" Vader ran through the hallways excited to destroy his master from which he was very young, Good shall not prosper without OB1"there will be no one that knows how to use the force after I take him out!" I doubt he taught Luke the force.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Global Warming

 Practice on helping me develop proper indenting, attention grabbers, subjects etc. I read an article about global warming.

Is it hot in here or is it just the CO2? Global warming is a very serious subject that has been being debated on for many years. What causes global warming you ask? Light from the sun is absorbed by our planet earth and converted to heat. Some of this heat migrates back into space in the articulation of Infrared Radiation. Scientists have different views varying every opinion. Many different opinions from many different scientists are at war with what they should do or not do about global warming. Is it just earths natural cicle?

    Some say that we need to do everything in our power to stop the distribution of CO2 and fossil fuels that are being used in this current day in age. Others say we can continue doing this because the earth will adapt by making it cooler as it warms, the plants will adapt, our economy and jobs will raise and give 1.1 million more people jobs. By taking research and examine the CO2 components of cores taken from the tremendous polar ice sheets. European scientest discovered that during the last 160,000 years there has been a straight forward link between atmospheric CO2 levels and higher earth temperatures. They say that this has happened before millions of years ago at earths begining. They're disputing whether they think it's just another natural process or if it is indeed a problem that should be prevented.

    It's like I'm being torn in half. I believe that it's a natural cycle, yet I also believe the CO2 in the air is rising at an alarming rate. That can't be normal. And why did it take so long to get here? Conveniently with all the gases we put into our atmosphere? Seems like an awfuly close coincidence if you ask me.If I had to pick a side it would be for global warming, their evidence is more solid and less theory unlike the others who are basically just educated guessing that the earth will cool down because of volcanic exploses, I mean c'mon seriously? They make that seem like it happens all the time and it will just cool the whole earth down. That won't happen. Their topics and facts are just a bit.. unreliable. The scientists all for the whole 'global warming is nonsense' don't seem to have a lot of evidence besides theory and guesses. If they had more solid evidence I'd believe them but they don't have nearly as much as 'global warming is real' scientists do.

    Well with a computer, like they said, it could easily be manipulated to side with whom is making the project. The same can be done with making a model. I think they just have to stick with graphs and solid facts of what they know and what they want to find out. If a scientist just wanted to side with 'global warming is a myth' he could make a computer model and create the next 100 years or so to be perfectly fine just not as cold winters or something people would appeal to so we wouldn't worry about how much pollution and CO2 that us humans are putting into the already sick atmosphere.
Pg.9 "Some of them suggest that natural processes will prevent fuel emissions from causing disastrous changes in world climate. They claim that other factors that will keep the planet cool may come into play." I would like you to read this, closely. Notice how they used the word "Claim, May & Suggest" These are not reliable words they are only but meer guesses into what could happen! Now, look at this next paragraph from the opposing scientific theory. pg.8 "EPA predicts a sea-level rise of .3 meters in the next 40 years; .6 m to 1.8m in the coming century." Sure they have the word 'predict' in this but look how solid and sure they are with the almost precise amount of meters and how long. They are sure they know what's coming if this does indeed happen.

    And now dear readers this is the final paragraph. I have taught you my opinion and views on the realness and dangerousness global warming could result in if not treated or have the situation taken care of properly. Solid evidence from the scientists for global warming in which I'm siding with. Their evidence is more real, more details, and just more believable then all the 'we suggest / they claim/ we may" nonsense. Global warming is a serious thing and we should all be more careful and help prevent more damage on the one and only earth we will ever have. You think ruining it now is bad, wait another 20 years. Do you really think we'll ever get another planet just like ours? If you did you were wrong, so wrong. Take care of what we have because we will not get another one. Even if it does put 1.1 more million people with jobs, it's not worth it.


Once I had a dream, in which I can't remember where something traumatizing happened too me, that would forever change my life [Or at least my life in my dream.] The odd thing is, is that the only thing I remember was that it was about shallow puddles of water and me stepping in it. I don't even remember the meaning of the dream or the dream itself except that little detail. Now whenever I see a shallow pool of water or puddle after a rain shower I cringe and will do everything I can to not step in it or go near it. I wonder if this dream had meaning? If it was trying to save me from something? I can't imagine what it could be but you never know, there are plenty of theory's out there that say dreaming [sometimes] is in fact signs or warning of future events.
" A dream has the power to unify the body, mind, and spirit. It provides you with insight into your own self and a means for self-exploration. In understanding your dreams, you will gain a better understanding and discovery of your true self. So stay awhile -- explore, discover, have fun, make friends, and find out what's in YOUR dream?! - "

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Am I shallow? The powers of money.

I think money can buy you happiness! I mean if for example you were like me and was completely in love with Pink Floyd and you got enough money to have a scientist build a time machine and have you go back in time to see their concerts, and Woodstock, etc. you would be beyond happy! If you could go to every concert you ever wanted to, every event, etc. you'd probably be the happiest person on earth! I know some guys that make money like it's nothing [they're like 18-19] and they could not be happier they always have a smile on their face with all their new clothes. If I had all the money in the world you'd bet I'd be the happiest person ever! Being a girl I would shop till I literally dropped from fatigue and went all around the world. Money, I think, can indeed buy you happiness. It could also buy others happiness! If I had endless money I would donate millions to homeless shelters, foundations, and the starving people in Africa. Money is a wonderful thing! I know I'm not the only one who thinks this, I may be shallow on this subject but I'm not materialistic I just think it would be nice to have nice things instead of shopping at thrift stores for once, you know? If I had all the money in the world the first place I would travel to Austria, such a beautiful place it is! Surrounded in lakes, old European styled houses, luscious grasses and forests, beautiful mountains and so forth. My dream is to go there some day and if I had endless money that would be the place where you'd find me almost immediately after being granted with this awesome wish. [I apologize for switching subjects sometimes my mind wonders]

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Deep thoughts.

Curiosity, such a dangerous and crazy thing. Would you ever pass me and think about my life? Or that you'll never see me again? I get into very deep thought about this. The person you just bumped into in the grocery store could have just met someone on Eharmony and they will soon get married. The person you've seen at a few of your friends weddings wife is pregnant and he is unprepared. The shoes that she wore today and that boy / girl complimented will soon fall in love. Why do we hate and judge people when we don't know what they're going through? I used too but I realize some people could have it really bad and my thoughts didn't help them in the slightest bit. I think about this often, perhaps too often. Some people get into deep thought about other things. But I put myself in their shoes. You would never know walking past me in the hallways that my parents are getting divorced, and quiet frankly I'm a wreck! They would never know what it's like too be me. I will never know what it's like too be them.

-Dear Mr.Thompson
I wish to make a series of blogs that will add up to the required blog amounts. I'm not fond of sticking to one subject for a while. I like to spread things out and spread my opinions to a wide range.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

What's the difference?

What makes a person ugly? Is anyone truly ugly? Or has society made it so perfection is nearly impossible for most; so we settle with how we look. The vision for girls to be pretty is utterly ridiculous. Super skinny, super tall, perfect hair, big eyes, little noses. I wonder who came up with all this, the image of being perfection. When in reality, imperfections truly make the person they are. You know someone by their mole, or their body shape etc. If we all lived and looked alike in this perfect setting you wouldn't be able to tell one person from another, we'd all be skinny and tall with nice features, guys would be ripped with perfect bone structures and so forth. To have to live up to such bland expectations is unfair, don't you think? What makes someone beautiful? Or handsome? Is it the fact that they have perfect skin or eyes? Or the perfect jaw bones and faces? No. It's what makes them, them. My friend, Marley, is beautiful because of her freckles and slight imperfections. My friend Kyra is beautiful because she has a beautiful figure and face! But none of the people I know are perfect, everyone has flaws. Weather they're slight or noticeable. I'm beautiful because my nose has a bump, just like almost all of my dads side. I'm beautiful even with this imperfection. I wish girls or boys would see it in my perspective which is what I have written above. Imperfections make the person.