
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Just a bunch of crazy nonsense.

You ABSOLUTELY should not be able to pass high school without knowing the difference between your / you're or their / there / they're and words that sound the same but are slightly varied with different uses. I mean come on seriously? On facebook I have to constantly correct people ( most of which must I say are in high school ) on such simple things that I think we learned in what, 4th grade? All I can really do whenever I correct these kids is shake my head. A majority of time when I do so they get mad at me, they'll wish they listened to my grammatical advice in knowing how to spell things like that when they're filling out a job application or something important and don't get anywhere in life. Harsh? I don't think so, how old are we? Old enough to know the difference between your & you're. Whenever people comment on my pictures and say 'your pretty' it makes me shiver, it's like.. my WHAT is pretty. It's a possessive word you retards. That's about as far as I can drag that subject, I've probably brought that up a few times but you know what? That is probably one of my biggest pet peeves besides when people start singing in public ( when you're not at a concert / musical performance / try out / whatever ). When people just start singing their hearts out in for example, the hallway. It's just like Shut the heck up the last thing I want to hear is you on this lovely morning. I basically spend my weekends watching the History Channel, now. I feel like such a loser, I used to go out and do crazy rebellious teenager things in 8th grade. My social life now has shrived up to little to none of what it used to be, I blame this on me being so focused with school & family stress. Speaking of family... I am so happy right now, I'm staying at my moms apartment this week NO MORE JIM (Unfortunately my father...)! I'm going to hopefully get a gym pass tomorrow, they're pretty expensive but they're on a sale right now. Going to hopefully help my self esteem, it could really use a boost. I won't lie, I think these 500 word blogs are actually starting to get rather difficult, I'm running out of topics and things to write about. It's getting late and I should probably get off soon which is why I don't feel like reading an article to inspire me on things to write about. I suppose I will discuss my love for vintage / antique things. It doesn't matter what they are, knowing they are apart of history or relics of items only made in that time period fill me with awe. I have a barbie ballet box from 1966, it's pink. I looked it up on Google, Ebay, Etsy, and a few more sites but there was no other box in pink. They came in white, black, blue, and red. I'm guessing the pink one I own is incredibly incredibly rare. It gives me great pride in owning it, I will never sell it.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Well... Today was rather irregular.

I helped my mom move into her new apartment because my parent's are newly separated. I can tell it's going to be a rather sad next couple of weeks due to these sudden changes in our lives but things have to get better sometime. The furniture moving was rather difficult, as it should be, considering she lives on the top floor. This apartment complex has a pool, a clubhouse (complete with the biggest flat screen TV I have ever seen in my life), a gym, etc. I'm really excited to finally be able to have a pool to go to. Aspen and I are going to hit that gym up like every day this summer to get ready for being in High school. Life is changing rather fast these days, I can only hope it's for the better. So, you read about my kitten Izzy in one of my previous blogs, correct? Well, we put one cat with Jim and one with my mom. Izzy, of course had to go to my mom, so we had to move her along with our furniture. I just got done moving this cat into her new home about 20 minutes ago, she was pretty good after the initial shock of being outside ( considering she hasn't been outside since she was a few weeks old ) for the first time in a while. I'm pretty proud of her she did really good, the scary part is that she's a pretty squirmy cat. We don't want to loose her so my grip as I got out of the car was on her like white on rice. She was so cute when we were in the car, I think she likes me a little more now because she knows she can trust me, I was calming her down and kissing her forehead the whole ride here. She's not to fond of Jim and my sister Rachel because of their cruel playful attitudes / annoying high pitched voices, so she was much happier with only my mom and I in the car. It's going to take sometime for her to adapt to this new environment, but I think she'll do pretty good. When we first put her on the ground of our new apartment she started meowing, it basically broke my heart. All she knows is my other house and I doubt she'll ever see it again, I just hope she's happier here knowing she wont have to see Jim anymore. But her best friend / foe Simon I'm sure will miss her, as she will miss him. The thought of them not seeing each other anymore, being forced out of each others life's makes me incredibly sad. I'm excited to start this new part of my life. One of the only things occupying my mind are my soon to be permit, super Nintendo game system, and loads of money from my soon to be summer job.  What am I going to do with my extensive amounts of cash, you ask? Clothes, nerdy things, and food.

I was wondering why there isn't a discussion board topic for this week, it's supposed to be up but I'm not seeing one?

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

It's slowly becoming harder and harder to find things to write about on this...

I think we all have a secret nerdy pleasure... right? Mine would have to be the fact that whenever I see something on this history channel ( that isn't any of their new ridiculous non-history things like alligator hunting or something to do with swamps or logs... ) I have to watch it! I love learning new things through the videos, it's always so interesting to learn about what's beyond this state, this country, this earth. I was just watching a documentary on how stars explode, the aftermath when it does happen, which types the stars are, how you can depict how bright they are by examining the star, etc. Things like that are just so interesting! When I tell some people that I do enjoy the history channel usually the response is " You're such a nerd, Lexi. " And I have come to realize that I am a nerd. But not only am I nerd, I have nerd pride! I spend my weekends watching Starwars and History Channel. I HAVE NO SHAME! If you asked me if I would rather have $100 to go to clothes or video games I would choose video games in a heart beat. Yeah, I'm not like most girls.
Note: I am extremely excited for when I get a job at lagoon this summer because I will hopefully have 3-4 old school game systems by the end of this year.
That is leading to a change of subject... starting... meow.
I'm growing up pretty fast, it's pretty awesome but I'm also very nervous to go into High School. I'm just going to attempt and do next year what I did this year, stay out of ridiculous high school drama. I'm not sure if this is possible because all my friends in high school say that there's always stuff going down. Whether that be fights, gossip, and all that other really unnecessary bull that teenagers love to start. I'm much more mature than a majority of my friends, I'm pretty proud of myself this year. Haven't been in the office once! Last year I was such a trouble maker you wouldn't believe it. Last year I also lived a care free life, and now that I have to worry about my grades constantly I have way too much stress. I barely know how to manage it because in the past few years I haven't cared about my grades in the slightest bit. I'm beating the odds of how good I thought I'd do though, I haven't got good grades since I was in like 5th grade. This last term I got nothing below a B grade. I've been considering graduating early or getting all my credits some what early in case I don't want to attend the last year of high school and want to travel,start looking for apartments somewhere, or enroll in a college. I won't have to think about this too much now, but I'm guessing when it does it will hit me like a brick.
So many decisions, so little time.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Cellphones radio waves.

This phone, the LG Marquee includes many radioactive organisms to keep the screen so bright. It will slowly start to deteriorate your brain within usage varying a few weeks - 4 months, tops. This is a very dangerous phone that is hazardous and quiet frankly and unfit phone for the man whom has common knowledge. You have to believe me! The evidence is 100% proven you will have cancer if you buy this phone! I know what I'm doing I'm an advertiser whom has looked into this phone and it's history very much. How would you feel for this oh about $100 phone to have months and months of painful recovery?! Not being able to see your friends and family every day eating bland hospital food and laying in one position for days! This phone is not worth thousands of dollars for surgery or even death! Imagine how much excruciating pain you will go through in the coarse of time you have had this phone for not even a year! Is it worth it? Of course not. My way is the only way, it is the only logical thought. If you think different you are completely out of your mind crazy. I mean what I think is always right you should always listen too me because you'll always have a right answer. I don't want a 'maybe' or a 'this could possibly be a logical solution' no! What I say & My evidence clearly says goes and that is final.

Evidence supporting the statement that in fact cancer does cause cancer over gradual use.
  • "It takes at least 10-20 years to see exposure to cancer."
  • The American Journal of Epidemiology published data from Israel finding a 50% higher risk of cancer of the parotid, a salivary gland near the ear amongst frequent cellphone users.
  • "Cell phones emit radio frequency energy (radio waves), a form of non-ionizing radiation. Tissues nearest to where the phone is held can absorb this energy."
  • "The number of cell phone users has increased rapidly. As of 2010, there were more than 303 million subscribers to cell phone service in the United States, according to the Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association. This is a nearly threefold increase from the 110 million users in 2000. Globally, the number of cell phone subscriptions is estimated by the International Telecommunications Union to be 5 billion."
  • "Over time, the number of cell phone calls per day, the length of each call, and the amount of time people use cell phones have increased. Cell phone technology has also undergone substantial changes."
Even if it is just over time however many years it is proven that cellphones during frequent use or even just the radiation waves alone cause cancer! A series of different cancers as a matter of fact. Most young people in this generation will be exposed to such radiation throughout their whole life's possibly making cancer a much higher rate than it is today. Our technology is advancing everyday and maybe the newer technology will make this radiation disappear, others could increase the amounts of radiation. Your kids or your friends for example, you know at the utmost least 1 person that owns a phone or an ipad, things of that nature. They will be exposed to that all of their life's just simply by texting or calling etc. How would you cope with it if your best friend or someone in which you care dearly about got cancer because of their phone? It's not worth it. They're not that important to risk our lives upon them! You would be crushed, we need to cut down on how much we use cellphones even make some sort of rehab for how bad certain people / teenagers are with their phones. Now I know you love your phone and I respect that you have your own opinion but I hope what I've told you has given you a bit of a change in your thoughts if you though differently before reading this. Perhaps just cut down on the talking and texting for a while? This could help you prevent cancer of any sort reaching you or your loved ones, take this into consideration, think about it. You could save some lifes'.

You want to accept the truth? Well then, you came to the right place. Over the span of 10-30 years [roughly] you can develop a series of varying cancers. The radiation is weak but after continuous use it will eventually start to get too your brain. It will affect you especially if you have a developing brain like that of a child or a teenager. The scary truth is that teens probably use phones more than the CEO of many companies. It's hurting our brains and our education, kids text during class leaving out important lessons in life they may need in the future. Cellphones are good for many reasons but our country needs to seriously cut back on how often we use them, it could save your life.
  • Cellphone companies say the technology poses no known risks and requires no precautions.
Notice how they use the key words 'say' meaning their opinion and 'no known' why would they look into something that could affect their company? They don't care if it gives you cancer as long as their making a profit and money. It requires no precautions they say but that's because they don't want you to know because then you wont buy their cellphones.
  • Between 2001 and 2007 Hardell found "a consistent pattern of association" between certain brain tumors and long-term cell phone use.
You want evidence? There it is. Scientists have proven it, tumors! Cellphones are not worth such costly, painful damage too your body. This is solid evidence my fellow students. You can't deny what has been studied I'm sure multiple times. I'm sure you probably are saying too yourself ' oh this can't be real I've been using cellphones for as long as I can remember and I don't have cancer! ' You may not now, but it's basically going to happen either way if you use it a lot. We all have our perspectives I just think this is a bit more logical and more fact based than the whole ' phones don't cause cancer ' nonsense.
  • The amount of time the person is on the phone
  • The model of phone being used: different phones give off different amounts of energy
  • Whether or not the person is using a hands-free device
  • The distance and path to the nearest cell phone tower: being farther away from the tower requires more energy to get a good signal, as does being inside a building
  • The amount of cell phone traffic in the area at the time
Are all key factors in how severely or how much they're exposed to the phones radiation waves. Even the tiniest thing such as types of phone models can vary in the cancer you can get! It's the tiniest things that can get you into the biggest trouble. "Because cell phones are held near the head when in use, the main concern has been over whether they might cause or contribute to tumors in this area, including:
  • Malignant (cancerous) brain tumors such as gliomas
  • Non-cancerous tumors of the brain such as meningiomas
  • Non-cancerous tumors of the nerve connecting the brain to the ear (acoustic neuromas)
  • Non-cancerous tumors of the salivary glands
If you choose to accept my facts and knowledge to be the correct answer I believe that the conclusion to many years of exposure to the radiation waves from phones will make cancer a much higher risk amongst basically everyone. It will get more and more and more people every year with how much we're around such technology in which constantly radiates radiation waves from itself.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy (late) New Year!!

I hope this year is better than last year, hooray for 2012!!(:  I will be starting (actual) Highschool this year. Pretty frickin' excited.

A personal reflection on the courage of Atticus Finch and how brave he is to do a trial in such a racist town.

He was licked before he began. Courage is doing what you think is right even when the odds of succeeding are against you. "I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It's when you know you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what. You rarely win, but sometimes you do." spoken by the character Atticus. Jem and scouts father is well aware of his family's disapproval towards his Tom Robinson case but he believes in doing what he think is right despite the lack of support.

 Scouts Cousin Francis, whom is just as prejudice as his grandmother, tells scout that her father is a nigger defending disgrace to the family. Scout is not quite sure what this means but she knows it isn’t respectful. Aunt Alexandria is visiting them and like the rest of the town is racist and is hinting towards Atticus that he should fire Calpurnia and quit his case. Atticus is a very brave and strong individual for putting up with everyone’s gossip and hatred and to stand up for what he believes in, for if he didn’t he would never be able to face his children again. He is truly the meaning of the word Courage. It would be very difficult and tough to have your children hear all this about you and get so upset about it when all you can really do it just sit and wait for the trial to end, so they can be tortured no further.

 Atticus has to hear about what people say about him through his children, they report back to him as soon as they hear it. For example, When they were taking care of Mrs.Dubose she said a great deal of hatred towards Atticus but would never say it to his face, only his children. Almost all of Maycomb except the black community is trying to talk him out of pursuing the case but Atticus simply won’t. He loves everyone and everything and thinks everyone deserves a chance, whether they are white, black, or every color in-between. As Scout once said"I think there's just one kind of folks. Folks." does a little girl have more common sense than a majority of the world at this time? "So it took an eight-year-old child to bring them to their senses.... That proves something - that a gang of wild animals can be stopped, simply because they're still human. Hmp, maybe we need a police force of children." The animals being racists, and the eight-year-old being Scout.

 Atticus is defending a black man in a rape case, it’s difficult to find any support but his children are seemingly the only thing that is getting him through all this. Aunt Alexandria is completely unhappy with Atticus’s decision to defend a man, because of course if he is black he is a bad person. You just can’t win with a subject like this in the depression, but Atticus’s determination and courage shows throughout this story. He doesn't care what people think of him, only what he thinks of himself. If he believes what he is doing is right, then he will stick to it no matter what the towns people say. He is a man of his word and sticks things out to the end so he can set an example for the best things in his life, Jem and Scout. "The one place where a man ought to get a square deal is in a courtroom, be he any color of the rainbow, but people have a way of carrying their resentments right into a jury box. As you grow older, you'll see white men cheat black men every day of your life, but let me tell you something and don't you forget it - whenever a white man does that to a black man, no matter who he is, how rich he is, or how fine a family he comes from, that white man is trash." ~spoken by the character Atticus.

 This case will change the way Maycomb will see Atticus and his family. Whether that be good or bad Atticus is proud of what he has done. In an area filled with racism and criticism towards differences in skin / personality this case shines beyond, having Atticus show them what fools they are for being so one-sided and unwilling to be accepting that what Tom Robinson is saying is the honest truth, for he is black. The readers of this book must all agree that we hope Atticus changed the towns perspective a little towards black people or people with differences. Atticus would not stop until justice was served, but served correctly. A man should never be discriminated against for the skin color in which he was born with. Whether Negro or white we all look the same beneath our skin, most of Maycomb doesn't understand this. Their childish ways and the ways they've grown up. All their life they have been told that black people are bad people, scary people, do not go near them they will hurt you. Atticus shed a little light on this and let them know that in most cases that is not true. There was still hope to win the trial if he got good enough evidence.

 Fully convinced that he was going too loose the trial, Atticus still persevere to prove this Negro man innocent in a racist town. Scout and her brother Jem have to put up with the towns gossip and nonsense almost every day, it truly takes a toll on them after a while. Scout being so defensive and loving towards her dad gets in many fights, fighting for her father's dignity. Just about everyone in the town of Maycomb except Scout and Jem is unimpressed with Atticus's efforts to try tod defend a black man. They know their dad is a good man for what he is doing and that he will fight for this mans freedom no matter how much trouble it gets him into. Atticus loves everyone, whether they are white, black, or every color in-between.