
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Oh goodness I don't know what to write.

I suppose I'll write about my cats, Izzy and Simon. They have a lot of crazy character, those two. Both extremely well fed and loved, my family is a cat loving one. I've had cats for as long as I can remember. We had Aja and Cola when I was a wee lexi up until I was in about 4th grade, they were 20-21 then they passed away of old age. They were wonderful cats, I'd like to think that Aja favored me most of the family. He always cuddled up with me when I was a baby and fell asleep with me. To give you a better description of these cats I'll tell you what they looked like. Aja, was a short haired grey cat. Cola, was black with a white beard and feet. Both about the same height, they grew up together. When my mom was dating this guy Phil (forever ago) they went behind a store in which I forgot the name of but heard meowing, so of course you'd like to see where it was coming from. They found cola in a trash, probably only a few days or weeks old. Just a black poof ball sadly howling for some company. My mom couldn't resist, she brought her home. Aja however had been coming up to my moms apartment repetitively and they'd just pet him and play with him and then he'd go but come back yet again the next day. One of these days the kitty seemed a little.. off. Aja drooped his head, my mom thought he was dying, he looked tired, weak, and hungry. She took him in and decided she had to keep him. Two cats in two weeks. She brought him back to Phils house where she let Aja run and meet Cola. From what my mom tells me Cola was not too fond of this new roommate. She chased him around for about an hour. Imagine this little black ball of fur hauling butt towards this little grey cat. Such a funny thing to think about, because I imagine her as literally a black ball of fur with legs. Now the story about another cat in which I had not sold you about earlier in this blog, his name was fathead. I'm sure you can guess why we named him such a name. His head was double the size of his body! I could grab his cheeks, you can't do that with normal cats! Well all the cats we've had have been strays, we don't look for them they're just miracles and found the right home(:. Fathead was no different, he came to our house and we tried not to feed him too often or else he'd come more and more and eventually we'd keep him but we didn't want that after the recent death of our other cats cola and aja, but we made him a hobo refugee consisting of a box and a towel. Fathead loved being in there when it was cold outside, he eventually made his way into our house one evening. We gradually let him in more and more, we loved him more every day we saw him. We realized this was no ordinary cat, he had so much character, and he didn't meow... He grunted. Little series of 2-3 grunts when he was happy and long deep grunts when he was mad or upset. His body eventually began to fit the size of his ginormous head. Fathead was a social cat and would just lay contently in one spot when company filled the house. Fathead died the day after thanksgiving I believe about 2 years ago. We didn't have him long, but we made his years with us as amazing and great as a cat could ever want or have. We spoil them.  I miss his cute little white paws and his white beard similar to colas everyday. I miss all my cats that are no longer here. Well to get into a happier less emotional subject here is the story about the cats I have now, Izzy and Simon. Last late autumn - early winter A pure black cat wondered around in our backyard, with two lovely kittys. One I named hiccup, the other was temporarily named angel (formerly known as Izzy who is far from an angel). We fed the strays hoping they'd be alright for the winter that was coming, they seemed like a good family, izzy was a hopper. She followed her mom wherever she went and hopped throughout the dead grass and fallen leaves. Hiccup I think was sick, she didn't go many places. But one day I went out to see if I could find the kitties, I saw hiccup in an old dog house the owners before us had put there for their huge dog. The kitten was lying on a little pillow I had put out hoping the cats would find it. She was afraid, I came up to hear quietly and gently, with hopes that she wouldn't run. She stayed where she was. I pet her only a few times on the very top of her pitch black head, she looked just like her mother. She was shaking, I could only imagine how scary it was for her so I left. My mom a day or two later told me she had gone to check on the kitties only to find that hiccup had passed away.. I don't know why but I really felt close to that cat, I was the first person she ever let pet her, I still think that it's almost my fault she died, I could've done something.. ugh. Happy thoughts lexi happy thoughts, back to Izzy. We caught her because winter was coming and we wasn't sure if she'd survive she was a pissy young one. She growled and spit everywhere, I don't blame her. She had been taken from the only world she knew and put into a cage, I felt horrible, she was with her mother all the time and now she isn't. I could barely live with myself the next few days, her white and black speckled fur twitched whenever she was mad. You could hold her with one hand she was so small. Shes grown up quiet a bit and is one of those cats that I swear is made of jello. I can stretch her like 2 feet long. Simon has basically the same story as all the other cats, he was a stray (or so we think) and we couldn't not have such a beautiful cat. Simon has kankles, yes, kankles. If you don't know what these are it's when you can't tell where the ankle begins and the legs ends. He's chubby but is mostly fur he's probably one of the prettiest cats I've ever seen. The picture below is a picture of Simon and Izzy. They're both pretty mean sometimes but have their sweet moments.
Simon to the left and Izzy to the right.

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