
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Global Warming

 Practice on helping me develop proper indenting, attention grabbers, subjects etc. I read an article about global warming.

Is it hot in here or is it just the CO2? Global warming is a very serious subject that has been being debated on for many years. What causes global warming you ask? Light from the sun is absorbed by our planet earth and converted to heat. Some of this heat migrates back into space in the articulation of Infrared Radiation. Scientists have different views varying every opinion. Many different opinions from many different scientists are at war with what they should do or not do about global warming. Is it just earths natural cicle?

    Some say that we need to do everything in our power to stop the distribution of CO2 and fossil fuels that are being used in this current day in age. Others say we can continue doing this because the earth will adapt by making it cooler as it warms, the plants will adapt, our economy and jobs will raise and give 1.1 million more people jobs. By taking research and examine the CO2 components of cores taken from the tremendous polar ice sheets. European scientest discovered that during the last 160,000 years there has been a straight forward link between atmospheric CO2 levels and higher earth temperatures. They say that this has happened before millions of years ago at earths begining. They're disputing whether they think it's just another natural process or if it is indeed a problem that should be prevented.

    It's like I'm being torn in half. I believe that it's a natural cycle, yet I also believe the CO2 in the air is rising at an alarming rate. That can't be normal. And why did it take so long to get here? Conveniently with all the gases we put into our atmosphere? Seems like an awfuly close coincidence if you ask me.If I had to pick a side it would be for global warming, their evidence is more solid and less theory unlike the others who are basically just educated guessing that the earth will cool down because of volcanic exploses, I mean c'mon seriously? They make that seem like it happens all the time and it will just cool the whole earth down. That won't happen. Their topics and facts are just a bit.. unreliable. The scientists all for the whole 'global warming is nonsense' don't seem to have a lot of evidence besides theory and guesses. If they had more solid evidence I'd believe them but they don't have nearly as much as 'global warming is real' scientists do.

    Well with a computer, like they said, it could easily be manipulated to side with whom is making the project. The same can be done with making a model. I think they just have to stick with graphs and solid facts of what they know and what they want to find out. If a scientist just wanted to side with 'global warming is a myth' he could make a computer model and create the next 100 years or so to be perfectly fine just not as cold winters or something people would appeal to so we wouldn't worry about how much pollution and CO2 that us humans are putting into the already sick atmosphere.
Pg.9 "Some of them suggest that natural processes will prevent fuel emissions from causing disastrous changes in world climate. They claim that other factors that will keep the planet cool may come into play." I would like you to read this, closely. Notice how they used the word "Claim, May & Suggest" These are not reliable words they are only but meer guesses into what could happen! Now, look at this next paragraph from the opposing scientific theory. pg.8 "EPA predicts a sea-level rise of .3 meters in the next 40 years; .6 m to 1.8m in the coming century." Sure they have the word 'predict' in this but look how solid and sure they are with the almost precise amount of meters and how long. They are sure they know what's coming if this does indeed happen.

    And now dear readers this is the final paragraph. I have taught you my opinion and views on the realness and dangerousness global warming could result in if not treated or have the situation taken care of properly. Solid evidence from the scientists for global warming in which I'm siding with. Their evidence is more real, more details, and just more believable then all the 'we suggest / they claim/ we may" nonsense. Global warming is a serious thing and we should all be more careful and help prevent more damage on the one and only earth we will ever have. You think ruining it now is bad, wait another 20 years. Do you really think we'll ever get another planet just like ours? If you did you were wrong, so wrong. Take care of what we have because we will not get another one. Even if it does put 1.1 more million people with jobs, it's not worth it.

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